Archives: Azure SSO from Oracle APEX with group membership
Tim has written an excellent blog post on how to connect your APEX application with Azure SSO. I used this article as a base with my work, with a few modifications.
You can also set Authentication provider to OpenID Connect Provider, then you only have to supply one Azure SSO configuration URL, everything else will be automatically configured. Documentation is here. You can configure like that:
- Authentication provider: OpenID Connect Provider
- Discovery URL:
For Oracle Wallet setup, you can use my solution to automatically convert Linux system trusted certificates to Oracle Wallet format.
Another requirement for me was to make some Azure user group membership available for the APEX application. One option to query this from APEX is to make a post authentication call to Azure GraphQL endpoint /me/memberOf. For this to work, Azure administrator needs to grant your application User.Read privilege at minimum. Then /me/memberOf will list you only the group object ID-s that the logged in user is a member, but no group names nor other information (if you require to see group names, then your application also needs Group.Read.All permission, but for my case it required approvals and more red tape that I really did not want to go through).
The solution below is to create APEX post authentication procedure that will store the Azure enabled roles in APEX user session collection APP_USER_ENABLED_ROLES. Afterwards you can use the collection in APEX application as you see fit, also use it in APEX authorization schemes.
Archives: Convert Linux system CA trust store to Oracle Wallet file
If you need to make HTTPS requests (or other TLS secured network requests) from Oracle database, you also need a wallet containing the certification authority (CA) certificates you trust. In todays distributed web world it is quite painful to keep updated. But operating systems and popular web browsers already come with bundled trust lists – the certificate authorities the OS vendor has considered trustworthy according to their policies. Wouldn’t it be nice to make it usable for Oracle Database?
Enterprise linuxes have package ca-certificates that contain the CA-s Mozilla has deemed trustworthy, this is available in file /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
Oracle Wallet is basically PKCS#12 container, so we can just use standard openssl command to generate it.
I tested it with Oracle Database 19.18 and it accepted the generated file without any problems.
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