Ilmar Kerm

Oracle, databases, Linux and maybe more

We have been using Single-Sign On for APEX applications for a long time, way before there was social login feature available in APEX itself. We implemented it on web server level in front of APEX. But in order to simplify the webserver setup (mainly to disable sticky load balancer setup) and since APEX for quite some time can do some SSO protocols now internally – we finally moved to APEX social sign-in – using OpenID connector. I blogged about it here earlier.

Enabled it last evening, everything worked fine over night (low use), and suddenly, this morning, when the real use begins, application users started getting the following login failures:

The HTTP request to “<tenancy_id>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration” failed.

Quite un-informative… why did it fail? This URL is the OpenID discovery URL and the message comes from APEX, not Azure SSO. A few quick checks:

  • The URL works, and it returns proper 200 OK status code, even from the database server
  • If there were any TLS errors, then the error message would be different
  • No new messages in APEX_DEBUG_MESSAGES since the issue started
  • Nothing in alert.log 🤔
  • Changing APEX instance proxy did not help
  • TLS wallet was accessible and good
  • The error is returned ONLY to application users, even though builder uses the same OpenID Discovery URL – and APEX builder login works without any issues
  • And every developer swore, that noone has changed anything today

As a side-note – the end-user applications are quite heavily used and there are hundreds of internal users.

Finally I started creating new Authentications scheme using Generic OAuth2 instead and they seemed to connect to Azure services without issues. But then messages started appearing in APEX_DEBUG_MESSAGES (what triggered that DEBUG logging started writing? accessing applications via Builder?) and hidden deep in messages I found the gem:

Exception in "GET":
Error Stack: ORA-20001: You have exceeded the maximum number of web service requests per workspace. Please contact your administrator.

Looks like, at least in APEX 23.1, calls to OpenID discovery URL count towards the APEX workspace web service request limiter, after increasing the limit the authentication started working again.


According to the documentation MAX_WEBSERVICE_REQUESTS limits the number of outgoing web service requests from each workspace within 24 hours, default 1000.

Problem solved, but it was quite confusing to troubleshoot due to lack of more detailed error messages. I really do not expect authentication hitting a rate limiter and then being completely silent about the underlying cause.

JSON Web Token (JWT) is a popular open standard that enables web applications to transfer information between parties asn JSON object. For example single-sign on authentication information. The information can be trusted, because the token also includes a signature. Verifying this signature is essential, otherwise anyone can fake the token contents.

Oracle APEX does provide APEX_JWT package, which handles the parsing and validity checking very well, but it can only verify the signature, if JWT was created using HS256 signature. HS256 is loosing popularity, since it is based on symmetric cryptography, meaning all parties must have access to the same encryption key.

Another, much more secure signature is now gaining popularity, based on RSA public key encryption – RS256. Here JWT is signed using a private key, but it can be verified using the corresponding public key. As the name suggests, public key is completely public and can be downloaded from the internet using kid attribute value present in JWT header (this service is called JWKS – JSON Web Key Sets). This is also the signature system AWS Cognito uses.

At the time of writing (APEX 23.1 and Oracle database 19.20), I did not find and ready code on the internet for verifying JWT RS256 signatures – so I had to create one. It lets APEX_JWT do the JWT parsing and validity checking, but I needed to add RS256 signature checking and downloading keys from JWKS store. It is intended to be used from APEX flows.

APEX_JWT_RS256 package repository can be found here

A quick example how to use the package as APEX page sentry function in custom authentication scheme.

    v_required_group varchar2(30):= 'important_people'; -- Group needed to access the app
    v_iss varchar2(200):= ''; -- ISS that issued the JWT, YOU MUST CHANGE THIS to point to your own ISS
    jwt_cookie owa_cookie.cookie;
    v_jwt_payload varchar2(2000);
    v_jwt_json json_object_t;
    v_groups json_array_t;
    v_group_found boolean:= false;
    -- Do JWT token validation and check that correct group is granted to user
    -- 2023 Ilmar Kerm
    jwt_cookie:= owa_cookie.get('JWT_COOKIE_NAME');
    IF jwt_cookie.vals.COUNT = 0 THEN
        apex_debug.error('JWT session cookie not found');
        RETURN false;
    END IF;
    IF apex_jwt_rs256.decode_and_validate(jwt_cookie.vals(1), v_iss, v_jwt_payload) THEN
        -- JWT validated, now check the required group
        v_jwt_json:= json_object_t.parse(v_jwt_payload);
        v_groups:= v_jwt_json.get_array('cognito:groups');
        FOR i IN 0..v_groups.get_size - 1 LOOP
            IF v_groups.get_string(i) = v_required_group THEN
                v_group_found:= true;
            END IF;
        END LOOP;
        IF NOT v_group_found THEN
            apex_debug.error('Required group is missing from JWT: '||v_required_group);
            RETURN false;
        END IF;
        IF v_jwt_json.get_string('token_use') != 'access' THEN
            apex_debug.error('Invalid value for JWT attribute token_use');
            RETURN false;
        END IF;
        IF V('APP_USER') IS NULL OR V('APP_USER') = 'nobody' OR V('APP_USER') != v_jwt_json.get_string('username') THEN
                p_user => v_jwt_json.get_string('username'),
                p_session_id => APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.GET_NEXT_SESSION_ID
        END IF;
        RETURN true;
        RETURN false;
    END IF;

Tim has written an excellent blog post on how to connect your APEX application with Azure SSO. I used this article as a base with my work, with a few modifications.

You can also set Authentication provider to OpenID Connect Provider, then you only have to supply one Azure SSO configuration URL, everything else will be automatically configured. Documentation is here. You can configure like that:

  • Authentication provider: OpenID Connect Provider
  • Discovery URL:

For Oracle Wallet setup, you can use my solution to automatically convert Linux system trusted certificates to Oracle Wallet format.

Another requirement for me was to make some Azure user group membership available for the APEX application. One option to query this from APEX is to make a post authentication call to Azure GraphQL endpoint /me/memberOf. For this to work, Azure administrator needs to grant your application User.Read privilege at minimum. Then /me/memberOf will list you only the group object ID-s that the logged in user is a member, but no group names nor other information (if you require to see group names, then your application also needs Group.Read.All permission, but for my case it required approvals and more red tape that I really did not want to go through).

The solution below is to create APEX post authentication procedure that will store the Azure enabled roles in APEX user session collection APP_USER_ENABLED_ROLES. Afterwards you can use the collection in APEX application as you see fit, also use it in APEX authorization schemes.

In order to prepare for APEX 23.1 upgrade in production, I upgraded several test environments from existing 21.1.5 to 23.1.3. Nothing special about the upgrade, no errors. But then developers requested I downgrade one of the environments back to 21.1, since they needed to make some changes to existing apps.

APEX downgrade should be easy, since APEX always installs new version into a new schema (23.1 goes to APEX_230100, 21.1 is installed in APEX_210100) and then it just copies over the application metadata. Downgrade then it should be easy, just point APEX back to the old schema. Downgrade is documented and Oracle does provide apxdwngrd.sql script for it.

After running apxdwngrd.sql and dropping APEX_230100 schema – the users started receiving a page from ORDS that “Application Express is currently unavailable”.

No other information, no other error message in ORDS logs, no errors in alert.log. How does it determine that APEX is unavailable? No idea.

I did the usual checks, I saw ORDS sessions connected to the database, so there were no connection issues.

SQL> select * from dba_registry where comp_id='APEX';

version = 21.1.5
status = VALID
procedure = VALIDATE_APEX

SQL> exec sys.validate_apex;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from dba_registry where comp_id='APEX';

version = 21.1.5
status = VALID

APEX component in the database is valid, with correct version and after validation it is still VALID.

SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where owner='APEX_210100' and status != 'VALID';


There are no invalid objects in the APEX schema, but I did see some public synonyms still left over from APEX 23.1. And then recreated all APEX 21.1 public synonyms.

SQL> select 'drop public synonym '||synonym_name||';' from dba_synonyms where owner='PUBLIC' and table_owner like 'APEX_230100';

... cleaned them up

SQL> alter session set current_schema = APEX_210100;
SQL> exec wwv_flow_upgrade.recreate_public_synonyms('APEX_210100');

No help… Still the same “Application Express is currently unavailable” to the users.

After that I got a useful tip in twitter to check view APEX_RELEASE.

Version is correct, but PATCH_APPLIED=APPLYING? That cannot be right and checking the not yet upgraded source production database it said PATCH_APPLIED=APPLIED.

First I tried to reapply 21.1.5 patch, and then 21.1.7 patch, but none of them reset this PATCH_APPLIED field.

Time to dig into APEX internals. I see that PATCH_APPLIED field is populated using function call wwv_flow_platform.get_patch_status_and_init_cgi but the code for it is wrapped. We also have the good old SQL trace that showed me that this fuction is calling


And there is see value APPLYING as a plain string. What if I just update it?


And the “Application Express is currently unavailable” message is gone and APEX works again! My guess is that something in the 23.1 upgrade process sets the old schema to APPLYING mode and then downgrade does not reset it. Sounds like a bug.

NB! Don’t do it in production – talk to Oracle Support first. I only did it because it was development environment and developers wanted to get their environment back fast.

There is an interesting W3C Draft, that enables websites to just simply ask web browser to report the users geographical location, and then the web browser will try the best available location method, like GeoIP, WIFI location or GPS. I have currently tested it on Firefox 3.6 and Google Chrome; Internet Explorer 8.0 does not support it yet.

W3C Geolocation API Draft
Mozilla documentation for Geolocation

How to use it in APEX?

If you are just interested in recording the users location, then using an on-demand application process should be the easiest solution:

First, create two application items: USER_LOC_LATITUDE and USER_LOC_LONGITUDE. They are used for storing users location.

Then, create an On Demand application process SAVE_USER_LOCATION. Create your necessary application logic in that process to handle the user location. The user location is available through application items USER_LOC_LATITUDE and USER_LOC_LONGITUDE.

And finally, include the following HTML code to your page. This uses APEX AJAX JavaScript API to call the created application process as soon as the users location becomes available for the browser. Please note also, that the browser asks for users permission for reporting the location.

<script type="text/javascript">

  if(navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {

      var get = new htmldb_Get(null, $x('pFlowId').value, 
      get.add('USER_LOC_LATITUDE', position.coords.latitude);
      get.add('USER_LOC_LONGITUDE', position.coords.longitude);
      gReturn = get.get();
      get = null;



To continuously monitor user position, use the function navigator.geolocation.watchPosition instead of navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition.

Resolving coordinates to location name

Here is one package, that uses database for resolving the location name. The package requires Oracle 11.2.

The geolocation package
One helper package, HTTP_UTIL, for downloading XML over HTTP