Ilmar Kerm

Oracle, databases, Linux and maybe more

Continuing my series of exploring Oracle Cloud, with the help of Terraform code. You can find the previous post here. I will be referring to resources created in the earlier post.

Object store

Oracle Cloud does provide S3 style Object Storage, that is just called Buckets. Buckets can also speak S3 protocol, so they are usable for applications that speak S3.

One difference from AWS S3 is that in Oracle Buckets the storage class/tier is not at the object level, you have to specify during the creation of the Bucket if it is at the Standard or Archive tier.

Here I create two Buckets, one in standard tier and one archival.


data "oci_objectstorage_namespace" "user_namespace" {
    compartment_id =

resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "standard_bucket" {
    # Referencing compartment from earlier
    compartment_id =
    name = "my-standard-tier-bucket"
    namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace
    access_type = "NoPublicAccess"
    auto_tiering = "Disabled"
    object_events_enabled = true
    versioning = "Enabled"
    storage_tier = "Standard"

resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "archive_bucket" {
    # Referencing compartment from earlier
    compartment_id =
    name = "my-archival-bucket"
    namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace
    access_type = "NoPublicAccess"
    auto_tiering = "Disabled"
    object_events_enabled = false
    versioning = "Disabled"
    storage_tier = "Archive"

And also adding some lifecycle policies. One to abort multipart uploads that have not finished in days and also one policy to delete old object versions.


# Bucket lifecycle policies

resource "oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy" "standard_bucket" {
    bucket =
    namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace

    rules {
        action = "ABORT"
        is_enabled = true
        name = "delete-uncommitted-multipart-uploads"
        target = "multipart-uploads"
        time_amount = 2
        time_unit = "DAYS"
    rules {
        action = "DELETE"
        is_enabled = true
        name = "delete-old-versions"
        target = "previous-object-versions"
        time_amount = 60
        time_unit = "DAYS"

resource "oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy" "archive_bucket" {
    bucket =
    namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace

    rules {
        action = "ABORT"
        is_enabled = true
        name = "delete-uncommitted-multipart-uploads"
        target = "multipart-uploads"
        time_amount = 2
        time_unit = "DAYS"

Block storage

A very good improvement over AWS is that in Oracle Cloud you can define declarative backup policies for block storage used in your compute instances. They are automatic snapshots, that are also cleaned up automatically after the retention period has expired. Lets start with that and define a backup policy that is executed every day at 0:00 UTC and kept for 60 days.


resource "oci_core_volume_backup_policy" "test_policy" {
    compartment_id =
    display_name = "Block storage backup policy for testing"
    schedules {
        backup_type = "INCREMENTAL"
        period = "ONE_DAY"
        hour_of_day = 1
        time_zone = "UTC"
        # Keep backups for 60 days
        retention_seconds = 3600*24*60

There are also some backup policies already defined by Oracle. Sadly you cannot specify in data resource the name of the policy you want to address, so some array magic is needed when using it later.


data "oci_core_volume_backup_policies" "oracle_defined" {}

# For examining the output
output "oracle_defined_volume_backup_policies" {
    value = data.oci_core_volume_backup_policies.oracle_defined

Now lets create some block storage volumes. First volume is the cheapest, lowest performance; and the second volume is using balanced performance profile.


resource "oci_core_volume" "test_volume" {
    compartment_id =
    # List availability domains
    # oci iam availability-domain list
    availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
    is_auto_tune_enabled = false
    size_in_gbs = 50
    # vpus_per_gb = 0 - low cost option
    vpus_per_gb = 0

resource "oci_core_volume" "silver_test_volume" {
    compartment_id =
    # List availability domains
    # oci iam availability-domain list
    availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
    is_auto_tune_enabled = false
    size_in_gbs = 50
    # vpus_per_gb = 10 - balanced performance option
    vpus_per_gb = 10

And lets attach the volumes to their backup policies. First volume the the policy I created earlier and the second volume to Oracle defined backup policy.

resource "oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment" "test_volume" {
    asset_id =
    # Attach to user defined policy
    policy_id =

resource "oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment" "silver_test_volume" {
    asset_id =
    # Attach to Silver policy
    policy_id = data.oci_core_volume_backup_policies.oracle_defined.volume_backup_policies[1].id