- Written by: ilmarkerm
- Category: Blog entry
- Published: April 14, 2024
Here I’m exploring how to control the basic network level resource security accesses. In AWS there is a concept called Security Groups. In OCI Oracle Cloud the similar concept is called Network Security Groups, also there is a little bit less powerful concept called Security Lists. A good imprevement with Network Security Groups over Security Lists is that in rules you can refer to other NSGs, not only CIDR.
Below I create two NSG – one for databases and one for application servers, and allow unrestricted outgoing traffc from them both.
# security.tf
# Rules for appservers
resource "oci_core_network_security_group" "appserver" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.main.id
display_name = "Application servers"
resource "oci_core_network_security_group_security_rule" "appserver_egress" {
network_security_group_id = oci_core_network_security_group.appserver.id
direction = "EGRESS"
protocol = "all"
description = "Allow all Egress traffic"
destination = ""
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
# Rules for databases
resource "oci_core_network_security_group" "db" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.main.id
display_name = "Databases"
resource "oci_core_network_security_group_security_rule" "db_egress" {
network_security_group_id = oci_core_network_security_group.db.id
direction = "EGRESS"
protocol = "all"
description = "Allow all Egress traffic"
destination = ""
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
Some rule examples to allow traffic from appservers towards databases. Here referring to the appserver NSG as source – not a CIDR.
# This rule allows port 1521/tcp to be accessed from NSG "appserver" created earlier
resource "oci_core_network_security_group_security_rule" "db_appserver_oracle" {
network_security_group_id = oci_core_network_security_group.db.id
direction = "INGRESS"
protocol = "6" # TCP
description = "Allow ingress from application servers to 1521/tcp"
source = oci_core_network_security_group.appserver.id
tcp_options {
destination_port_range {
min = 1521
max = 1521
# This rule allows port 5432/tcp to be accessed from NSG "appserver" created earlier
resource "oci_core_network_security_group_security_rule" "db_appserver_postgres" {
network_security_group_id = oci_core_network_security_group.db.id
direction = "INGRESS"
protocol = "6" # TCP
description = "Allow ingress from application servers to 5432/tcp"
source = oci_core_network_security_group.appserver.id
tcp_options {
destination_port_range {
min = 5432
max = 5432
And one example rule for appserver group, here I just want to show that the source NSG can refer to itself – so the port is open only to resources placed in the same NSG.
# This rule allows port 80/tcp to be accessed from the NSG itself
# Example use - the application is running unencrypted HTTP and is expected to have a loadbalancer in front, that does the encryption. In this case loadbalancer could be put to the same NSG.
# Or if the different application servers need to have a backbone communication port between each other - like cluster interconnect
resource "oci_core_network_security_group_security_rule" "appserver_http" {
network_security_group_id = oci_core_network_security_group.appserver.id
direction = "INGRESS"
protocol = "6" # TCP
description = "Allow access port port 80/tcp only from current NSG (self)"
source = oci_core_network_security_group.appserver.id
tcp_options {
destination_port_range {
min = 80
max = 80
Now, network security groups need to be attached to the resources they are intended to protect. NSG-s are attached to the virtual network adapers VNICs.
To attach NSG to my previously created compute instance, I have to go back and edit the compute instance declaration to attach a NSG to the primary VNIC of that instance.
# compute.tf
resource "oci_core_instance" "arm_instance" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
# oci iam availability-domain list
availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
# oci compute shape list --compartment-id
shape = "VM.Standard.A1.Flex" # ARM based shape
shape_config {
# How many CPUs and memory
ocpus = 2
memory_in_gbs = 4
display_name = "test-arm-1"
source_details {
# The source operating system image
# oci compute image list --all --output table --compartment-id
source_id = data.oci_core_images.oel.images[0].id
source_type = "image"
create_vnic_details {
# Network details
subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.subnet.id
assign_public_ip = true
# attaching Network Security Groups - NSGs
nsg_ids = [oci_core_network_security_group.appserver.id]
# CloudInit metadata - including my public SSH key
metadata = {
ssh_authorized_keys = "ssh-rsa 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 ilmars_public_key"
- Written by: ilmarkerm
- Category: Blog entry
- Published: April 7, 2024
Continusing to build Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform. Today moving on to compute instances.
But first some networking, the VCN I created earlier did not have access to the internet. Lets fix it now. The code below will add an Internet Gateway and modify the default route table to send out the network traffic via the Internet Gateway.
# network.tf
resource "oci_core_internet_gateway" "internet_gateway" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.main.id
# Internet Gateway cannot be associated with Route Table here, otherwise adding a route table rule will error with - Rules in the route table must use private IP as a target.
#route_table_id = oci_core_vcn.main.default_route_table_id
resource "oci_core_default_route_table" "default_route_table" {
manage_default_resource_id = oci_core_vcn.main.default_route_table_id
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
display_name = "Default Route Table for VCN"
route_rules {
network_entity_id = oci_core_internet_gateway.internet_gateway.id
destination = ""
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
Moving on to the compute instance itself. First question is – what operating system should it run – what is the source image. There is a data source for this. Here I select the latest Oracle Linux 9 image for ARM.
data "oci_core_images" "oel" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
operating_system = "Oracle Linux"
operating_system_version = "9"
shape = "VM.Standard.A1.Flex"
state = "AVAILABLE"
sort_by = "TIMECREATED"
sort_order = "DESC"
# Output the list for debugging
output "images" {
value = data.oci_core_images.oel
We are now ready to create the compute instance itself. In the metadata I provide my SSH public key, so I could SSH into the server.
resource "oci_core_instance" "arm_instance" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
# oci iam availability-domain list
availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
# oci compute shape list --compartment-id
shape = "VM.Standard.A1.Flex" # ARM based shape
shape_config {
# How many CPUs and memory
ocpus = 2
memory_in_gbs = 4
display_name = "test-arm-1"
source_details {
# The source operating system image
# oci compute image list --all --output table --compartment-id
source_id = data.oci_core_images.oel.images[0].id
source_type = "image"
create_vnic_details {
# Network details
subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.subnet.id
assign_public_ip = true
# CloudInit metadata - including my public SSH key
metadata = {
ssh_authorized_keys = "ssh-rsa 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 ilmars_public_key"
And attach the block storage volumes I created in the previous post. Here I create attachments as paravirtualised, meaning the volumes appear on server as sd* devices, but also iSCSI is possible.
resource "oci_core_volume_attachment" "test_volume_attachment" {
attachment_type = "paravirtualized"
instance_id = oci_core_instance.arm_instance.id
volume_id = oci_core_volume.test_volume.id
# Interesting options, could be useful in some cases
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = false
is_read_only = false
is_shareable = false
resource "oci_core_volume_attachment" "silver_test_volume_attachment" {
# This is to enforce device attachment ordering
depends_on = [oci_core_volume_attachment.test_volume_attachment]
attachment_type = "paravirtualized"
instance_id = oci_core_instance.arm_instance.id
volume_id = oci_core_volume.silver_test_volume.id
# Interesting options, could be useful in some cases
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = false
is_read_only = true
is_shareable = false
Looks like OCI support some interesting options for attaching volumes, like encryption, read only and shareable. I can see them being useful in the future. If I log into the created server, the attached devices are created as sdb and sdc – where sdc was instructed to be read only. And indeed it is.
[root@test-arm-1 ~]# lsblk
sda 8:0 0 46.6G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 100M 0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2 8:2 0 2G 0 part /boot
└─sda3 8:3 0 44.5G 0 part
├─ocivolume-root 252:0 0 29.5G 0 lvm /
└─ocivolume-oled 252:1 0 15G 0 lvm /var/oled
sdb 8:16 0 50G 0 disk
sdc 8:32 0 50G 1 disk
[root@test-arm-1 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=10
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10485760 bytes (10 MB, 10 MiB) copied, 0.0453839 s, 231 MB/s
[root@test-arm-1 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1M count=10
dd: failed to open '/dev/sdc': Read-only file system
- Written by: ilmarkerm
- Category: Blog entry
- Published: April 1, 2024
Continuing my series of exploring Oracle Cloud, with the help of Terraform code. You can find the previous post here. I will be referring to resources created in the earlier post.
Object store
Oracle Cloud does provide S3 style Object Storage, that is just called Buckets. Buckets can also speak S3 protocol, so they are usable for applications that speak S3.
One difference from AWS S3 is that in Oracle Buckets the storage class/tier is not at the object level, you have to specify during the creation of the Bucket if it is at the Standard or Archive tier.
Here I create two Buckets, one in standard tier and one archival.
# object_storage.tf
data "oci_objectstorage_namespace" "user_namespace" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "standard_bucket" {
# Referencing compartment from earlier
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
name = "my-standard-tier-bucket"
namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace
access_type = "NoPublicAccess"
auto_tiering = "Disabled"
object_events_enabled = true
versioning = "Enabled"
storage_tier = "Standard"
resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "archive_bucket" {
# Referencing compartment from earlier
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
name = "my-archival-bucket"
namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace
access_type = "NoPublicAccess"
auto_tiering = "Disabled"
object_events_enabled = false
versioning = "Disabled"
storage_tier = "Archive"
And also adding some lifecycle policies. One to abort multipart uploads that have not finished in days and also one policy to delete old object versions.
# object_storage.tf
# Bucket lifecycle policies
resource "oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy" "standard_bucket" {
bucket = oci_objectstorage_bucket.standard_bucket.name
namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace
rules {
action = "ABORT"
is_enabled = true
name = "delete-uncommitted-multipart-uploads"
target = "multipart-uploads"
time_amount = 2
time_unit = "DAYS"
rules {
action = "DELETE"
is_enabled = true
name = "delete-old-versions"
target = "previous-object-versions"
time_amount = 60
time_unit = "DAYS"
resource "oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy" "archive_bucket" {
bucket = oci_objectstorage_bucket.archive_bucket.name
namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.user_namespace.namespace
rules {
action = "ABORT"
is_enabled = true
name = "delete-uncommitted-multipart-uploads"
target = "multipart-uploads"
time_amount = 2
time_unit = "DAYS"
Block storage
A very good improvement over AWS is that in Oracle Cloud you can define declarative backup policies for block storage used in your compute instances. They are automatic snapshots, that are also cleaned up automatically after the retention period has expired. Lets start with that and define a backup policy that is executed every day at 0:00 UTC and kept for 60 days.
# block_storage.tf
resource "oci_core_volume_backup_policy" "test_policy" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
display_name = "Block storage backup policy for testing"
schedules {
backup_type = "INCREMENTAL"
period = "ONE_DAY"
hour_of_day = 1
time_zone = "UTC"
# Keep backups for 60 days
retention_seconds = 3600*24*60
There are also some backup policies already defined by Oracle. Sadly you cannot specify in data resource the name of the policy you want to address, so some array magic is needed when using it later.
# block_storage.tf
data "oci_core_volume_backup_policies" "oracle_defined" {}
# For examining the output
output "oracle_defined_volume_backup_policies" {
value = data.oci_core_volume_backup_policies.oracle_defined
Now lets create some block storage volumes. First volume is the cheapest, lowest performance; and the second volume is using balanced performance profile.
# block_storage.tf
resource "oci_core_volume" "test_volume" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
# List availability domains
# oci iam availability-domain list
availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
is_auto_tune_enabled = false
size_in_gbs = 50
# vpus_per_gb = 0 - low cost option
vpus_per_gb = 0
resource "oci_core_volume" "silver_test_volume" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
# List availability domains
# oci iam availability-domain list
availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
is_auto_tune_enabled = false
size_in_gbs = 50
# vpus_per_gb = 10 - balanced performance option
vpus_per_gb = 10
And lets attach the volumes to their backup policies. First volume the the policy I created earlier and the second volume to Oracle defined backup policy.
resource "oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment" "test_volume" {
asset_id = oci_core_volume.test_volume.id
# Attach to user defined policy
policy_id = oci_core_volume_backup_policy.test_policy.id
resource "oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment" "silver_test_volume" {
asset_id = oci_core_volume.silver_test_volume.id
# Attach to Silver policy
policy_id = data.oci_core_volume_backup_policies.oracle_defined.volume_backup_policies[1].id
- Written by: ilmarkerm
- Category: Blog entry
- Published: March 24, 2024
I thought I’ll start exploring Oracle Cloud offerings a little and try building something with Terraform.
The execution environment
OCI Could Console offers Cloud Shell and Code Editor right from the browser. Cloud Shell is a small Oracle Linux container with shell access, that has the most popular cloud tools and OCI SDKs already deployed. Most importantly, however, all Oracle Cloud API commands you execute from there, they run silently as yourself, no additional setup required. Including setting up terraform. Pretty awesome idea I would say – no need to set up any admin computer first.
Since I would mainly write code, I’m going to use only only Code Editor (which is actually VS Code in your browser) and VS Code also has a built in terminal for executing commands.

Read about executing and using Cloud Shell here.
Setting up Terraform provider
When executing from Cloud Shell / Code Editor, then setting up the terraform provider is very simple.
# versions.tf
provider "oci" {
region = "eu-stockholm-1"
It is very good practice to also place terraform state file in the shared object store. OCI also provides an object store and to set it up first create a Bucket in Object Storage.

This also requires setting up Customer Secret Keys, for accessing the bucket using S3 protocol. I’m going to save my access key and secret access key in a file named bucket.credentials.
# bucket.credentials
aws_access_key_id=here is your access key
aws_secret_access_key=here is your secret access key
# remote_state.tf
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "oci-terraform-bucket"
key = "oci-terraform.tfstate"
region = "eu-stockholm-1"
# ax9u97qgbo5h is the namespace of the bucket, it is shown in the Bucket Details page
endpoint = "https://ax9u97qgbo5h.compat.objectstorage.eu-stockholm-1.oraclecloud.com"
shared_credentials_file = "bucket.credentials"
skip_region_validation = true
skip_credentials_validation = true
skip_metadata_api_check = true
force_path_style = true
Creating compartment and basic networking
Compartment is just a handy hierarchical logical container which helps to organise your Oracle Cloud resources better. It can also be used to set common tags for all resources created under it.
# main.tf
locals {
tenancy_id = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaawf2fv3ipfdp564ffiqpfqr6u6n3uofydgtihq3wget5357lq5i6a"
environment = "dev"
# Information about current tenancy, for example home region
data "oci_identity_tenancy" "tenancy" {
tenancy_id = local.tenancy_id
# Get the parent compartment as a terraform object
data "oci_identity_compartment" "parent_compartment" {
# Top get list of existing compartments execute:
# oci iam compartment list
id = data.oci_identity_tenancy.tenancy.id
# Create compartment
resource "oci_identity_compartment" "compartment" {
# Compartment_id must be the parent compartment ID and it is required
compartment_id = data.oci_identity_compartment.parent_compartment.id
description = "oci-terraform experiments"
name = "oci-terraform-experiments"
# Define some default tags that are added to all resources created under this compartment
freeform_tags = {
"deployed_by" = "terraform"
"environment" = local.environment
To set up networking, first you need VCN Virtual Cloud Network and under it subnets.
# network.tf
resource "oci_core_vcn" "main" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
display_name = "VCN for oci-terraform test"
dns_label = "ocitf"
cidr_blocks = [""]
is_ipv6enabled = false
resource "oci_core_subnet" "subnet" {
cidr_block = ""
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.compartment.id
vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.main.id
# List availability domains
# oci iam availability-domain list
# Documentation recommends creating regional subnets instead, without specifying availability_domain
#availability_domain = "MpAX:EU-STOCKHOLM-1-AD-1"
display_name = "Subdomain #1"
prohibit_internet_ingress = false
prohibit_public_ip_on_vnic = false
To be continued
I don’t really know where this post series is going. I’ve done quite a bit of Terraforming in AWS, so here I’m just exporing what Oracle Cloud has to offer and instead of using the dreaded ClickOps, I’ll try to be proper with Terraform.
At the end of the post I have these resources created.

Efficient test database refresh using Data Guard Snapshot Standby, Multitenant and storage snapshots
- Written by: ilmarkerm
- Category: Blog entry
- Published: March 23, 2024
There are many different ways to refresh test database with production data. Here I’m going to describe another one, that might be more on the complex side, but the basic requirements I had are:
- Data must be cleaned before opening it up for testing. Cleaning process is extensive and usually takes a few days to run.
- Switching testing from old copy to a new copy must be relatively fast. Also if problems are discovered, we should be able to switch back to the old copy relatively fast.
- Databases are large, hundreds of terabytes, so any kind of data copy over network (like PDB cloning over database link) would take unacceptable amount of time and resources.
- There is no network connection between test database network and production database network, so PDB cloning over database link is not possible anyway.
- The system should work also with databases that have a Data Guard standby with Fast-Start Failover configured.
Any kind of copying the data will not work, since the databases are really large – so some kind of storage level snapshot is needed – and we can use a modern NAS system (that databases utilise over NFS) that can do snapshots and thin clones. Although not in multiple layers.
Here is one attempt to draw out the system. With a more complicated case where the test database actually has two database instances, in Data Guard Fast-Start Failover mode.

- There is a special Data Guard standby for the cleaning process. This standby is using an external NAS storage for storing all PDB datafiles and tempfiles. No CDB files, like CDB datafiles, online logs, standby logs or recovery area should be stored in that NAS folder – keep CDB files separate.
- To start the cleaning process, put the cleaning standby in Snapshot Standby mode (instructions are here) and run all cleaning processes and scripts on the snapshot standby. After cleaning is finished successfully, create PDB metadata XML files and shut down the snapshot standby.
- Create storage level snapshot of the NAS folder storing the PDB files.
- Restore Snapshot Standby back to being a normal physical standby.
- Create writable clone from the same storage snapshot for the test database. If the test database consists of more Data Guard databases, then create a clone (from the same snapshot) for each one of them and mount them to the test database hosts.
- On the test database create a new pluggable database as clone (using NOCOPY to avoid any data movement). In case of Data Guard, do not forget to set standby_pdb_source_file_directory so the standby database would know where to find the data files of the plugged in database.
Done. Currently both old and new copy are attached to the same test CDB as independent PDBs, when you are happy with the new copy, just direct testing traffic to the new PDB. Then old one is not needed, drop it and clean up the filesystems.
Sounds maybe too complex, but the whole point is to avoid moving around large amounts of data. And key part of support rapid switching to the new copy and supporting Data Guard setups (on the test environment side) is keeping the test database CDB intact.
The steps
I have a post about using Snapshot Standby, you can read it here. All the code below is for the experts…
The preparation
Big part of the system is preparing the Cleaning DB that will be used for Snapshot Database.
Here I use the following paths:
- /oradata – Location for standby database CDB files, online logs, standby logs, recovery area
- /nfs/pdb – NFS folder from external NAS, that will ONLY store all PDB datafiles and tempfiles
# Parameters
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_create_file_dest string /nfs/pdb
db_create_online_log_dest_1 string /oradata
db_recovery_file_dest string /oradata
db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 10T
# Datafiles
---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0d68332o_.dbf
1 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux__0d5fjj5y_.dbf
1 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/datafile/o1_mf_system__0d4zdst4_.dbf
1 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1__0d5yw58n_.dbf
1 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/datafile/o1_mf_users__0d65hljg_.dbf
2 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/C24DD111D3215498E0536105500AAC63/datafile/data_D-WI93OP21_I-1717445842_TS-SYSAUX_FNO-4_q92k3val
2 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/C24DD111D3215498E0536105500AAC63/datafile/data_D-WI93OP21_I-1717445842_TS-SYSTEM_FNO-2_p32k3v89
2 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/C24DD111D3215498E0536105500AAC63/datafile/data_D-WI93OP21_I-1717445842_TS-UNDOTBS1_FNO-6_q22k3vag
3 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CC1BE00B92E672FFE053F905500A1BAE/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0fbbwglb_.dbf
4 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/C2811CAFC29D1DC9E053F905500A7EC9/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0fk2wkxy_.dbf
4 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/C2811CAFC29D1DC9E053F905500A7EC9/datafile/o1_mf_users__0fj4hm5h_.dbf
5 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61EF92940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0fsslsvv_.dbf
5 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61EF92940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_users__0frm1yg5_.dbf
6 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F3E2940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0fz8nq60_.dbf
6 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F3E2940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_users__0fy4j81x_.dbf
7 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F832940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0f46dfvs_.dbf
7 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F832940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_users__0f3cn007_.dbf
8 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61FC82940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0g5h842b_.dbf
8 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61FC82940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_users__0g2v64l9_.dbf
9 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/05126406D61853B3E0635005500AA12B/datafile/o1_mf_audit_tb__0g9rsqpo_.dbf
9 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/05126406D61853B3E0635005500AA12B/datafile/o1_mf_inmemory__0g8yrdvh_.dbf
# Tempfiles
---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0d35c01p_.tmp
2 /oradata/PROD1MT101CL/C24DD111D3215498E0536105500AAC63/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0d36q7dx_.tmp
3 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CC1BE00B92E672FFE053F905500A1BAE/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gr02w4t_.tmp
3 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CC1BE00B92E672FFE053F905500A1BAE/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gr0j0wr_.tmp
3 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CC1BE00B92E672FFE053F905500A1BAE/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0gqzydts_.tmp
4 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/C2811CAFC29D1DC9E053F905500A7EC9/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0grhwybg_.tmp
4 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/C2811CAFC29D1DC9E053F905500A7EC9/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0grjcvk4_.tmp
4 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/C2811CAFC29D1DC9E053F905500A7EC9/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0h6slfch_.tmp
5 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61EF92940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gokwd9n_.tmp
5 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61EF92940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gol9jc6_.tmp
5 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61EF92940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0gokr9ng_.tmp
6 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F3E2940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gnrh7x8_.tmp
6 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F3E2940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gnrw0dj_.tmp
6 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F3E2940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0gnrb2gg_.tmp
7 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F832940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gmw72co_.tmp
7 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F832940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gmwnqsp_.tmp
7 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61F832940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0gmw1xm3_.tmp
8 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61FC82940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gm118wt_.tmp
8 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61FC82940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gm1dv5n_.tmp
8 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/CF6A94E61FC82940E053F905500AFB8E/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0gm0wzcc_.tmp
9 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/05126406D61853B3E0635005500AA12B/datafile/o1_mf_temp__0gj66tgb_.tmp
9 /nfs/pdb/PROD1MT101CL/05126406D61853B3E0635005500AA12B/datafile/o1_mf_temp_dba__0gh7wbpf_.tmp
# Logs
# Convert the special Data Guard standby database to a snapshot standby
DGMGRL> convert database prod1mt101cl to snapshot standby;
# Now run all your cleaning scripts on this special database
SQL> @all_of_my_special_cleaning_scripts
# Cleaning is now finished successfully
# Close and reopen each PDB in READ ONLY mode
SQL> alter pluggable database all close;
SQL> alter pluggable database all open read only;
# Create XML metadata file for each PDB
SQL> exec DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE('/nfs/pdb/apppdb1.xml','APPPDB1');
SQL> exec DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE('/nfs/pdb/apppdb2.xml','APPPDB2');
SQL> exec DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE('/nfs/pdb/apppdb3.xml','APPPDB3');
# Shut down the cleaning database
SQL> shutdown immediate
Now use your NAS toolkit (REST API for example) to create a storage level snapshot from the /nfs/pdb filesystem.
Convert Snapshot Standby back to physical standby
Use the instructions in this post to restore the cleaning instance back to being a physical standby.
Attach PDBs to test database CDB
First, use your NAS toolkit to create a thin writable from from the snapshot created earlier (or multiple clones if the test setup has a Data Guard standby, a dedicated copy for each) and mount them to the test database hosts as /nfs/newclone.
# If the test setup has Data Guard, set standby_pdb_source_file_directory
alter system set standby_pdb_source_file_directory='/nfs/newclone/PROD1MT101CL/CC1BE00B92E672FFE053F905500A1BAE/datafile/' scope=memory;
# On test primary create new pluggable database as clone
create pluggable database apppdb1_newclone as clone using '/nfs/newclone/apppdb1.xml' source_file_directory='/nfs/newclone/PROD1MT101CL/CC1BE00B92E672FFE053F905500A1BAE/datafile/' nocopy tempfile reuse;
# Open it
alter pluggable database apppdb1_newclone;